Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Respect Thy Neighbour as Thyself


Tina Turner sang it, “R.E.S.P.E.C.T”.  The Bible said, “Love thy neighbour as thyself.” But in today’s world, the word Love has taken on a different meaning than at the time of the Bible’s translation.  Love now conjures up images of romantic love or conjugal relations. 

Respect (one meaning) – “due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others.

What if Jesus’ saying had been translated as “Respect thy neighbour as thyself.”  Would that make any difference to our thinking or actions? 

Respect is something we don’t talk about much.  Maybe we should be using it more to illustrate how we should be dealing with others.  Respect, if properly administered, should flow in every direction.  In the military or business that would mean respecting those of superior rank, lower rank and on the same level.  You cannot demand respect, no matter how many senior officers, managers executives or politicians try.  It must be earned.  It must also be accorded to and earned from those of different groups; colour, racial, religious, gender, orientation, etc.

You don’t necessarily have to love, or even like, someone to respect them.  If you follow the meaning quoted above, it is as good a grounds for showing respect as anything else you may do to interact with others.  And what a difference it would make if we all respected each other.  It is hard to hate someone you respect.  You may dislike them, but you probably wouldn’t hate them.  Respect also means listening to other people even if you do not agree with their ideas.  You would at least listen to determine their reasons for having those ideas.  And listening would lead to tolerance with people and their ideas.  It would undoubtedly improve understanding and politics.

“Government is too big and too important to be left to the politicians.”
  - Chester Bowles

Respect – what a wonderful concept.  It could improve so many things.  Let’s all give a real try, even with people we don’t like or we disagree with.

“Once the game is over, the King and the pawn go back in the same box.”
  - Italian Proverb

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