Saturday, April 8, 2023

Bloggers Block and More

I see it has been a month since my last blog.  Blame it on bloggers block.  “What the heck does that mean” you ask.  Whereas writers block arises from the failure to find the words to express their message, bloggers block means you cannot home in on a subject on which to write. And I seem to have suffered from it for the past month.  Okay, that and a short notice trip to Calgary for a family gathering.

It may be too late

Okay, here’s a thought.  Donald Trump could well become the next President of the United States.  Despite indictments, arrests, and the possibility of trials, he may escape the law and become immune to prosecution.  It is all a matter of timing. 

There is a law in the US, written or not, that says that a presidential candidate cannot be charged with a crime.  You can see the logic of this law if you look at various autocratic countries around the world.  They claim to hold “fair and free” elections but are not above charging and jailing political rivals before the so-called election.  This should not happen in the US because of this law (as it should be in any democratic country regardless of the circumstances).  But as I argued in a previous blog ( such a law would only apply to a selected presidential candidate. So, it would apply to Mr. T only after the Republican Convention in 2024 should he be selected as the Republican nominee.  But that event is less that a year and half away.  The first indictment only returns to court in December of this year.  At that point, motions must be dealt with (and you can be sure that Trump’s legal team will have lots, including a motion to dismiss, change of venue, recusal of the judge and many more).  These must all be dealt with before even a trial date can be agreed. More stalling tactics will undoubtedly follow.  As for the other, more serious potential charges being considered in Georgia and federally, they have not even issued indictments yet.  What hope do they have of actually going to trial before that fateful Republican Convention.  So, you see, time is running out.

If he is the candidate, it will put the Democrats in a tough spot.  They must quickly determine their strategy for the next presidential election.  Do they endorse Joe Biden, despite his age and current poor ratings?  Or do the try to find a younger, more dynamic, more electable candidate?  They don’t have much time to think about this.  Trump is already electioneering. 

We must acknowledge the possibility of violence in this fractured America.  Despite the good work done by the New York police to control any protests, the same may not apply in other places if indictments or arrests of Mr. Trump happen.

It may indeed be too late to change the sad but inevitable march of events.



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