Saturday, September 23, 2023

Who is Responsible?


Since the Globe and Mail would not publish my letter on this subject, I guess I’ll have to paraphrase it on this platform.

People are looking for a saviour to combat climate change.  Governments are the usual target for this role.  No doubt governments can do some things such as carbon taxes, and incentives for fossil fuel saving things like heat pumps and electric cars.  Both approaches have been used by Canadian governments, federal and provincial.  Provincial jurisdictions effect only one province at a time, and some provinces are against measures to reduce fossil fuel usage.  But it cannot legislate peoples’ attitudes.  It cannot, for example, prevent you from attending a protest about the need for government action on climate change in your V8 powered SUV or pickup truck. 

Industries, particular the oil industry, are often chosen as the ones who must take action. But they will not as long as the demand is there and there are profits to be made.

The truth is the only entities that can really make a difference are individuals.  Each individual must take responsibility for their own actions and decisions when it comes to using less fossil fuel use and taking climate change action.  Do you really need that gas powered SUV, or can you switch to an electric vehicle?  Even my switch to a hybrid has reduced my gas consumption in half for the same type of vehicle.  In many places, there are grants for heat pumps.  That change has reduced my utility costs considerably.  Do I hold myself as some sort of ideal for climate action? Of course not, I still use fossil fuels.  But if we all tried, think of the difference we could make.  Some would say that there is a lot of electricity produced from fossil fuel; coal, diesel fuel, natural gas. But there are many options for producing sustainable electricity in other ways; hydro, wind and solar are available and growing. Even nuclear power, despite it’s down sides, are an option  We just have to make the demand and suppliers will undoubtedly comply. 

Will it be easy?  Probably not.  Is it necessary? Of course, it is.  Do we want to leave a dying planet for future generations?  Some with me first, short term interests probably don’t care.  But I think the vast majority of us do care.  So, look to yourself as the answer, not to governments or industry.  They will do what individuals demand.

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