Monday, April 29, 2024

“To Dream the impossible dream”


I should not be allowed to watch movies. I get too upset to bad movies, but if I see one that has a meaningful message, it makes me think.  When I think, it often leads to a blog.  So, here we have a blog that derived from a movie I recently watched.  All because I was allowed to watch movies.

You may recognize the title from the song in the musical show and movie, ‘The Man from La Mancha’.  It was a pretty good show and had some fine music. 

But it was this particular song from the show that really got me thinking. To dream the impossible dream.  No, not the one where you shack with the handsome actor or beautiful starlet. And no again where you suddenly become very rich and powerful. I’m talking about meaningful dreams that can reshape the world we live in.  Dreams for better government beyond anything rival political parties are planning.  Dreams for a better future for ourselves and our children.  Dreams about so many things that could improve the lot of our country, our culture, or the world. Dreams about the end of conflict.

“The only way human beings can win a war is to prevent it.”

General George C. Marshall

Of course, dreaming in itself does not lead to anything being done. For that we need to look at other lines in the song, “To fight the unbeatable foe.”, and “To right the unrightable wrong.

It takes action to achieve a dream. It needs us to step out of our comfort zone.  It takes the courage to defend your position. It takes the willingness for us to initiate the action and lead it if that is needed. It needs us to step up. It needs us to honestly identify the foe and the wrong and to be able to say why they are the foe and the wrong. It needs us, therefore, to think.  To think what is a better way and how to get there. It means looking beyond cheap rhetoric and easy slogans, and really see the future, both the immediate actions and their consequences. It’s not easy, but it is necessary if we are to see dreams fulfilled.

There are, of course, many reasons to avoid taking action.  Why me? I’m too old/young. What can little old me do? What will me friends and neighbours think? Will others support me.

“Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinion of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.”

Katherine Mansfield

We can succeed.  We must assume that others will think like you.  That others will have similar dreams. That others are also committed to taking the risks and the actions. We must support those who can articulate the actions to be done and those that can take leadership roles. Even better, we must be prepared to undertake those leadership roles ourselves.

“The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who stand neutral in times of great moral conflict.”

Dr. Martin Luther King

In my opinion, there a few areas where we can focus our dreams and resulting actions:

And end to bias against others.

The fight against climate change. It is real and it is probably the biggest threat to the future of mankind.

In Canada, an end to the odious Not Withstanding clause in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  It has and can deny us any and all of our chartered rights.

An end to armed conflict in any form.

Are you ready to dream your impossible dream? Are you ready to follow that dream and do something about it?

But remember one important caveat, do no harm to others. Otherwise, the dream only emboldens more harm.

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