Monday, May 20, 2024

Whither the Middle


I long for the middle. But it has gone, at least for now.  If someone starts a political party that dedicates itself to the middle ground, I’ll be the first to support it.  You see, no political party currently espouses the middle ground. They talk of the middle class but not of the middle ground. They now occupy one extreme or the other.  The Liberal Party now has moved more left than the NDP used to propouned.  The Conservatives, oh the Conservatives, now want to emulate Donald Trump, Ron Desantos, and other luminaries of the US Republicans.  The only thing they have not done is declare that they were the real winners of the last election, that it was stolen from them.

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
George Orwell

I think I can speak for the many Canadians, probably a majority of us, who yearn for a more centrist place in politics and life.  We support diversity, but do not want it stuffed down our throats. We are a little bit conservative (note the small ‘c’) with our family finances but want our governments to spend our taxes wisely.  When it comes to social issues, we generally want harmony and acceptance. We think that our primary requests for governments are good health care and education, just laws, and a competent and fair judiciary. We don’t want to lose our rights to a notwithstanding clause.  We want legislatures where discourse and debate are respectful and enlightened. We want a society where you can discuss divergent view in a meaningful way and come away satisfied with the results.  We want compromise not ‘take it or leave it’. We want acceptance and support for immigrants and minorities. Probably what we most want is honest communication. There are two parts to verbal communication: speaking and listening.  We don’t think the listening part is going very well.

“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.”

- Eleanor Roosevelt

 “I wish people who have trouble communicating would just shut up.”

  - Tom Lehrer

But we’re not getting any of things, are we? Take a reasonable position and you are yelled down and even threatened.  Speak out and you’re labeled. Make a request and you’re ignored. This is not how a harmonious and civil society works.  And for many people, it is not working.  We are met with constant cynicism about just about everything.

“A cynic is not merely one who reads bitter lessons from the past, he is one who is prematurely disappointed in the future.”
 - Sidney J. Harris

So can we please move politics and life back closer to the middle.

“Man is a credulous animal and must believe something; in the absence of good grounds for belief, he will be satisfied with bad ones.”
Bertrand Russell

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”

I will now expect to hear things like, “It’s not like that anymore. Or “Who do you think you’re talking about, not me.”

I think I’m talking about real people. I think that it can be like that if we demand it and live it ourselves.

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